UX Designer

Who empowers


I let users break free from limitations through creativity and functionality




I unleash the power of imagination to design engaging interfaces that resonate with users, fostering emotional connections and set the stage for memorable experiences.

I prioritize usability by crafting practical, accessible solutions that simplify interactions, enhance productivity, and streamline processes for users of diverse backgrounds. 

By combining creative innovation and functional efficiency, I enable users to navigate digital spaces with ease, confidence, and satisfaction. Ultimately, elevating their digital autonomy.

About Me

I had never thought about design as a career. I started using Adobe Photoshop to make YouTube banners for my favorite Minecraft YouTubers when I was a kid. All I cared about is that my favorite content creator used my design. From the beginning, I valued how my creative work made people feel.

Most recently, I worked as a community manager at a software development startup. I noticed that one flaw could make a user never touch the software again. It became frustrating for me because I knew I wasn’t able to fix those flaws as a community manager.

Now, as a UX designer, I try to build solutions using my passion for helping users get what they want and my strong user research skills focused on getting personal feedback from real users. In an innovative, forward-thinking, and empathetic environment, I can remove any barrier a user is facing.






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